Crowdfunding campaign for attic restoration
On September 7, 2022, a collapse in the attic of the castle revealed major structural fragility: 23 seriously damaged beams and the possible presence of dry rot.
This incident marked the starting point of an ambitious two-phase project:
1era phase completed : emergency structural repairs and dry rot treatment
Between January 3 and March 29, 2024, a team of carpenters and masons worked tirelessly to replace the 23 defective beams, including the 5 that had collapsed, and secure the entire structure. The photos below show this project, from the removal to the installation of the new beams. The latter, still light, will gradually darken over time and will receive a shade similar to that of the existing beams. In addition, OSB boards were temporarily installed to insulate and protect the second floor.
2th phase to be financed : the restoration of the attic for opening to the public
This second phase, the most important in our restoration project, involves the creation of a floor capable of supporting 400 kg/m² (museum standard), an essential condition for welcoming visitors. The aim is to transform the attic into a unique space highlighting the remarkable framework of the castle. However, the financing of this project remains to be finalized and constitutes a real challenge.
Opening the attic to the public remains our goal – a dream that would give Islette a new dimension and offer our visitors an even more enriching and memorable experience.
The works envisaged
To carry out this second phase of the project, which requires major work and development, we need financial support, without which it will not be possible. Indeed, the budget established by Mathieu Julien, heritage architect in Tours and project manager, amounts to €532,275.
The breakdown is as follows:
- Masonry – Cut stone – Structural work – Terracotta : creation of a connected floor (meeting the museum standard to allow opening to the public), covered with terracotta tiles; on the walls, coating in three tight passes with a trowel, reworking of the joints, re-filling or grouting with lime mortar in the cracks; reworking of the inter-joists with lime mortar; occasional repairs to the central staircase;
- Framework: despite its very good overall condition, some work to repair the framework is necessary to resolve the existing problems (repair of truss beams to remove the candle, supply and installation of missing struts);
- Carpentry: creation of access doors to the attic and French windows in the towers, revision of all the doors on the patrol path and installation of locks;
- Paint: on windows, doors and handrails;
- Electricity: drawing of lines and supply of tables, lighting to highlight the framework, supply and installation of RJ 45 sockets for the needs of the future museography;
- Locksmith: installation of handrails and mesh closures for the patrol path doors.
The costs are distributed as follows:
– Masonry, cut stone | 79 078,53 € |
– Structural work, terracotta, drywall | 195 288,58 € |
– Framework | 47 509,00 € |
– Carpentry | 40 508,60 € |
– Electricity | 45 368,40 € |
– Locksmith | 13 797,30 € |
- Paint | 11 982,86 € |
– Other expense items and architect fees | 50 353,33 € |
Although various supports and subsidies have been obtained, there is still a lack 372 275 € to finalize this project.
This project, which far exceeds our financing possibilities, could be broken down into four stages:
- Level 1: Zone A (see map) of 195 m²
- Level 2: Zone B (see map) of 47 m²
- Level 3: Zone C (see map) of 76 m²
- Level 4: Zone D (see map) of 53 m²
The achievement of these different levels will depend on the means we manage to mobilise.
About us
We are a family of six with our four children, Adrien, Pierre, Louise and Jeanne. In 2010, we took over this family property and made l'Islette both a home and a project. A house, to live in as a family. We live in the château for seven months of the year, from October to April. But from 1 May to 30 September, we move to the neighbouring farm to allow our visitors to discover it. We could not envisage maintaining and restoring such a building without a project to bring it to life. And the opening to the public, for 12 years now, has been an opportunity for us to share in a constantly renewed and very gratifying way. Each season of opening has had its share of events, surprises and beautiful encounters, and we hope that the seasons will continue to follow one another for many years to come, for - this is our objective and will be our joy - the greatest pleasure of our visitors. September 2022 was an emotional month. Of course, the attic accident has destabilised us; however, two of our children, Pierre and Louise, have announced that they want to join the adventure of l'Islette, bringing their ideas and a new breath of air, and thus offering all the hopes of perpetuating this exciting family business.
How to help us
We therefore propose that you help us and become a patron of l'Islette in order to carry out this important restoration project. A sponsorship agreement signed with the Demeure Historique will allow you to benefit from an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount of your donation, which can be made :
– online on the page dedicated to Islette on the site www.demeure-histoire.org
- by post, by sending your cheque (made out to "Demeure Historique - Château de l'Islette"), to Demeure Historique, 57 quai de la Tournelle, 75005 Paris.
This tax advantage also applies to corporate sponsorship; businesses can also benefit through tax reductions on their donations, as granted by article 238 bis of the CGI.
We sincerely thank you for your support.
Pierre-André & Bénédicte Michaud