

These reproductions are shown in this room by the Museo Rodin de Paris, and we expressly express them under the permission granted to exhibit them.

In the room left to enter the common room

Inv. L.1452, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris 

In addition, from October 12, 1886, solo tender as an alumna at the Srta. Camille Claudel protected her by all the media that she had at my disposal, she will be among her friends, especially among her influential friends. We do not accept other alumni because we do not produce rival talents, but we assume that we do not encounter small artists who are naturally endowed. In the exhibition, haré everything that was in my hand for the colocation, the periodicals. There is no excuse for this at the Sra House. … who already has a class of sculpture. After the exhibition of the May we go to Italy and we ask for all of our men, the beginning of an indissoluble relationship after the Srta. Camille will be my wife. Me haría muy feliz regalarle una figura de marmol si la Srta. Camille accepted it well. From now to 4 or 5 months, from now to now, no woman is tender, without the conditions being met. Si mi pedido de Chile se lleva a cabo, iremos a Chile en lugar de a Italia. Do not use any of the models that you have identified. A photo will be taken in Carjat, with the route of the Srta. Camille llevaba en la academia, ciudad vestimenta y tal vez en traje de noche. The Srta. Camille will permanecerá in Paris until mayo, the Srta. Camille compromises herself to recibirme by being able to eat four times with all my hasta mayo. Rodin

Inv. Ms.368, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris

Your favorite virtue (Su virtud favorita). No tengo: its all aburridas

Your favorite qualities in man (The stories that a man prefers). That obedezca knew how to esposa

Your favorite qualities in woman (Las cualidades que prefiere en una mujer). Que haga enfurecer mucho a su marido

Your favorite occupation (Your favorite occupation). No harm

Your chief characteristic (Its main characteristic). The capricho and the inconstancy

Your idea of happinessSu idea of happiness). Casarme with General Boulanger

Your idea of miserySu idea of desgracia). Ser madre de muchos hijos

Your favorite color and flower (Su color y su flor favorites). The color that most changes and the flower that does not change

If not yourself, who would you be? (If it doesn't work, it's the series) A caballo de coche de caballos in Paris

Where would you like to live? (¿Did you taste it alive?) In the heart of Lord Wilson

Your favorite prose authors (The prosaic authors they prefer). El Sr. Pellerin author of famous images

Your favorite poets (Our favorite poets). El que ne scribe versos

Your favorite painters and composers (All our favorite paintings and composers). Yo misma

Your favorite heroes in real life (Our favorite heroes in real life). Pranzini o Tropmann (to be elected)

Your favorite heroines in real life (Our favorite heroes in real life). Louise Michel

Your favorite heroes in fiction (Our favorite heroes in fiction). Ricardo III

Your favorite heroines in fiction (Our favorite heroes in fiction). Lady Macbeth

Your favorite food and drink (Su comida y bebida favorita). Merlatti's kitchen (love and fresh water)

Your favorite names (Our favorite numbers). Abdonides, Joséphyr, Alphée, Boulang

Your pet aversion (The domestic animal is averse to it) The colors, the shoes and the models

What characters in history do you most dislike? (What are the most disgusting characters in the story?) His unpleasant todos

What is your present state of mind? (What is your current status?) Result very difficult to decide

For what fault have you most tolerance? (Which defect will tolerate more?) Tolerate all defects, but absolutely nothing los de los demás.

Your favorite motto (My Favorite Favorite). More value in hand than “scientious flying”

Cam Claudel 16 de mayo of 1888.

Inv. L.1451, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris

My feroz amiga:

My head is very closed, and there is no way to lift it. It takes a long time to receive it (during hours) without encountering any light conditions. ¡Qué dulce me resultaría la morte! Y qué larga es mi agonía. So no me has hope in the taller. ¿Dónde vas? If I do so, this is my destiny. There are ten moments of amnesia in which there are no menos, but the implacable pain does not go away. Camille is very happy to weigh everything, to weigh the location that comes and that it will be there, if it continues. Why don't you create me? Abandon my living room, the sculpture. If you want to leave anyone, have a country in that old country, but you don't have to worry. Hay moments in which frankly creo that you olvidaré. Pero de repente, siento tu terrible poder Ten piedad malvada. You can't do more, you can't pass a green day. On the contrary, the location is atroz. Se acabó, ya no trabajo, divinidad maléfica, y sin embargo te amo con furor.

My Camille has the security of which I am not a friend with any woman, and that all of my alma is lost to you.

No agreement can be made and you will not be able to do so. Mi sufrimiento no te lo crees, lloro y lo pones en duda. Ya no río desde hace tiempo, ya no canto, todo me resulta insípido e indiferente. It's dead and I don't understand much that I was inspired by things that ahora me its indifferences Déjame verte all the days, it will be a good action and quizá me avenge a betterment, because only you can save me with your generosity.

No longer than the horrible and slow enclosure is based on my intelligence, ardent love and pure love, for the last time I asked, and you will be rewarded for it.


You need my hands, my friend, I enjoy my meals, my parents, my parents, I live my life and, in my place of love, the respect of my life is always at the heart of everything. The respect you have for your character, because of my Camille, is the cause of my violent passion, I don't see you suddenly.

No me threatens and already ver that you dulce mano show me you bondad y me the already algunas veces, para que la bese en mis transportes.

No me arrepiento de nada. Neither the desenlace that seems funeral to me, my life will turn into an abyss. Pero mi alma ha florecido, tardíamente por disgracia. Ha hecho falta que te conozca y todo ha cobrado una vida desconocida, mi desvaída existentencia ha ardido en un fuego de joy. Gracias porque a ti debo toda la parte de cielo que he conocido en mi vida.

Ask your queridas my hands sobre mi rostro, que mi carne sea feliz, que mi heart sienta aún que de nuevo se derrama tu divino amor. Con qué exaltación vivo queando estoy junto a ti. Junto a ti ando pienso que todavía tengo esa felicidad, y compadezco me, y en mi cobardía creo que he endedo de ser degraciado que he llegado al final. We will never have a moment of hope, but only one thing we have, so that we will enjoy it at night, but it will be late, the night will follow.

You mano Camille, no where she retired, no hay felicidad al tocarla si no es taken a moment from you ternura.

¡Ay! divina belleza, flor que habla y que ama, flor inteligente, querida mía. Mi tan buena, de rodillas, ante tu bello cuerpo que estrecho entre mes braszos.


Inv. Ms.362, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris

Sr. Rodin:

So there is nothing to worry about before writing.

You can't imagine what you'll find in L'Isleta.

He lived in the central room (which is the winter garden), where he found the garden by his side. The Sra. Courcelles has offered me (sin hablar yo de ello en absoluto) that if fuera de su agrado podría comer allí de vez en cuando e inclusive siempre (creo que tiene verdaderas ganas) ¡y es tan bonito allí!…

He walked through the park, where he walked all the way, where he was, where he was, where he was, the avenue, you could see what you were looking for, he was enchanting. If you are kindly requested, and maintain your promise, we will agree to this. Tendrá la habitación queera para trabajar. La vieja se nos pondrá de rodillas, creo.

Me ha dicho que yo [falta una palabra:¿podía?] To take a bath in the river, where you go and where you go, without a problem.

With your permission, you also have to worry that you are a great place and I will avoid going to hot beaches in Azay. It's very nice if I buy a bathrobe, dark blue with white cintas, back pieces, blusa and pants (median height), in the Louvre or in the Bon Marché (de sarga) or in Tours.

I see myself in the naked bedroom to imagine what is happening, but when I despair there is nothing wrong.

A need


Sobre todo, do not engage me more.

En la pared izquierda al enterr en la sala común

Inv. MS.378, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris


He returned to Paris. No one can follow all those who put Islette together and I have no choice but to cost a lot of money. It is agreed that the year that comes will happen. I have seen many illusions. Solo a Mad Courcelles le he pagado 300 fy 100 f al moldeador; 60 f for travel and other equipment, objects, etc. Me as 20 fy solo he traído a group and a busto, my clothes, my books, my drawings, etc. He lived in the Vaissier's house that he was very kind and comforted me.


Inv. MS.376, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris

Senor Rodin
182 rue de Université, Paris

 This is when I drink wine Ud., my father llegó ayer and fled to sleep and sleep at our house. Of health, I am not the best because I cannot afford to pay all the other opportunities for you. Surely I won't get to the kids. Precisely, the Srta. Vaissier has come to see me and has contacted me with all the types of stories that I have written soberly in Islette. ¡¡¡Also, at night through the window of my tower, there was a red paraguay with the forest burning!!!

Inv. MS.365, archives of the Rodin Museum

 Senor Rodin

I believe through Le Bossé that the writing of my opinion on the status of Balzac: seems to me very great and very good and the best of all of its subjects of my theme. So to do, the effect accentuated by the head that contrasts with the sencillez de los paños is very logrado and is sobrecogedor. I also enjoyed the idea of the same mangas that characterize well the man's spirit discovered by Balzac. In short, we believe that we should hope for a great success, so to all that we have heard that we cannot encounter any similarity between this state and all of those that have decorated the city of Paris.

Aprovecho la ocasión para hablarle un poco de mis asuntos. Ultimately, Morhardt has what it is Mercury of France I load 10 bronze busts that this periodical will sell for 300 f each; for so much to pay me 280 f [papel rasgado: of ?] los cueles [faltante palabra, rasgado paper] pagar al fundador [faltante palabra, papel rasgado: debo?] In addition to having to worry about the work of the sparkler, you have to decide to quit the costs and record a caduceo. Acepté este pedido sin darme cuenta del trabajo que recaería sobre mí ya que solo para recordar el caduceo me hace falta 1 día y 5 o 6 días para quitar las costsuras adequately: le ruego que diga a Morhardt que ne puedo seguir haciendo estos bustos; no tengo 1,000 f to take my bag so that afterward I am accused of demolition and the pedidos of this type are carried out more well to have to create for the people [faltante palabra, rasgado paper] lo tienen más que para ayudarles realmente.

Ha hecho muy en impedir que Morhardt public el artículo que había preparado sobre mí, estaba destinado atraer hacia mí iras y avenganzas que sin duda no necesito.

Quizá esté equivocado al thought that the Morhardt actúan de buena fe conmigo, más bien fingen pero creo que en reality, nadie de su clan I have many ojos with whom we are pedidos, alabarme and valdría more than all the works of Morhardt come to the service of Raymond Vernet, who are my country and my religion and my friends are the intimates of the Sra. Morhardt. Sabe although the darkness odio that I profesan all of the women in when I come to appear, as soon as I adjust to my rules, use all the arms, and also in that a generous man is loaded with bag of an aprieto, the woman always is ahí para subjectarle el brazo e impedirle actuar. Asimismo, corro el grave riesgo de no cosechar el fruto de todos mis esfuerzos y de apagarme en la sombre de las calumnias y las peores sospechas.

Where the digo is totally secret so that you can understand the situation well.

Estoy enferma desde hace algún tiempo, y es por eso que he tardado en escribirle. Mother Courcelles has paid a cobra 1000 f for having already had one of the escayolas in her house, the principle which is to be stopped against her for the most part.

If Ud. encounters the form of claim Dante says that only the olvidó allí, I daría a great alegría.

With all my friends,

C. Claudel

(handwritten copy of your secretariat)
Inv. L.1394, archives of the Rodin museum, Paris

182 University Street
December 2, 1897

Amiga mía, su carta se ha añadido a mis penas. Veo que se enfrenta las dificultades de la vida y, un poco, de su imaginación.

Mientras uno esté completamente seguro de querer cambiar de amigos, hay que mantenerse fiel a los amigos. Los hay, en la vida; si los desprecia ya no tendrá apoyos. Me parece que Morhardt es, desde hace mucho tiempo, su abnegada amiga, ne he sospechado nada, ni visto distanciamiento hacia Ud., ya que sin ello, su marido no hubiese podido ayudarla, a no ser que fuese en secreto, y este no is the case of the Sra. Courcelles. Hay un procurador que se carga de defender a los artistas, es uno de mis amigos. If you wish to consult my party's address, this is the direction: Auzoux 118 rue de Rivoli 118.

Because it is difficult for me to claim Dante, I have to say that I have an earlier card that will give me confidence in my wine if I devolved it to the escayola. He has, creo, an acceptance of the ancient donation. Moreover, you can see the graces of the wine that our souls love, record and enjoy the interchange.

Of all things, no one is safe, pero enjoyed it y no one can leave. Siento mucho verle nerviosa y tomar un camino que por desgracia ya conozco. Sé que has the gift of sculpture. Pose una constancy heroica, es una persona honesta y valiente, en la lucha que mantiene admirably y que hace que tous dos admireen y la conozcan, ne preocupe por los pequeños chismes, y sobre todo no stone to our friends by a despairing caprichoso, all the world will be on your orders, if you wish. No ability y trabaje como lo hace. Its reputation is based on its object. But it's ironic that someone is happy, it's almost illusory, they're terrible years old. Apenas empiezo a reconocerme. These are the times and the indulgence with which I enjoyed my Balzac, because I found myself a little more peaceful, because I needed it when I was abandoned in the dark, I already had it, I thought it would die.  

I tasted that one day, I saw my Balzac that he was loaded into a very light mold and that he had laid his hands on the patio to see what he was doing in the open air. Allí podría Ud. juzgarlo conmigo.

Y creame, amiga mía, deje a lado su carácc de mujer que ha hecho que se dispersen las personas de buena voluntad. Most admirable men, justice exists, crealo. One is cast and also rewarded. A genio as el suyo is poco común.     

In so far as this article is concerned, I believe that Morhardt should be publicized. He indicated some words that could cause problems. But this set is good, very good. It must be published.

As for the bronces, debe seguir haciendolos sin caduceo There are no reasonable costs, but nothing is wrong.

No, I'm my friend, if this is what I'm going to taste. Ahora soy distinct. He is very locked up and I hope that Ud. is not well. Here's the following: For God, there are no contradictions in the matter: moderately everything that can be done and I eat only one thing that can leave. Its future is tan hermoso. We do not despise a nadie, nor a small obrero, nor a criado, although all of these details are converted into instruments of torture for alguien that are cansado, and that as Ud. have taken the great lucha against the terrible angel that maintains al world miserable in contradistinction to geniuses like Ud. Dulzura y paciencia.

Courtry the year, ha achieved an admirable acuarela based on its bust that the voy to envy.

My friend and one of our most sincere admirers, that we love our hands,